Choosing an apple tree for the garden
Before you buy an apple tree, you need to know if it will thrive in your garden. This depends on a number of things. Before visiting the grower or garden center, check the following checklist:

Roughly calculate how much space there is at the chosen spot.
See approximately how much sunlight the tree gets there during the day.
Feel if the wind has free play or if the place is sheltered.
Scoop up some soil to see if there is enough healthy soil present.
Take into account the height the tree can reach and the size to which the crown can grow. Will it not take away too much sun from the flower beds, the vegetable garden or the sitting area?
Do you have to remove sod to place the tree? Don’t throw them away! Place the sod on bare spots on the lawn, under shrubs or on the compost heap.
For more tips and information about types of apple trees, see Choosing an apple tree.

Author: Ben Foster

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